With a string of successes such as the gripping crime series Judas, the widely-praised comedy Random Shit, innovative crime series Mocro Maffia, and documentaries such as Famke Louise, Videoland is thé streaming service of the Netherlands. In 2019 the the Videoland Academy was launched: a new talent development project, supported by the Dutch Film Fund in collaboration with NFF, IDFA, IFFR, Dr. Script, and in alliance with Nederlandse Filmacademie, PlanetX, Filmmore and Buma Music in Motion.
Yesterday, Videoland announced the writers of six Grounded Sci-Fi and three documentary series that have been selected for the talent development project. The writers get to meet established professionals and attend several workshops to further develop their projects.. Eventually a selection of four fiction films and one documentary will be realised and financially supported with a total of one million Euro. The script writers will be linked to the right film composers in matchmaking sessions later this year, after which they can decide if and which film composer can score their project.
If you, as a film composer, want to develop a score for one of these projects, please get in touch with us. Videoland Academy and Buma Music in Motion will select five composers who are invited to the presentation of the selected projects at IFFR on January 28 (5pm – 6pm). The matchmaking will take place later this year.
The requirements to apply are:
- Graduate students (Dutch copyright) from accredited conservatories, audio schools, and composition & music production educational institutes who have been out of school for a minimum of one year and a maximum of ten years;
- Media composers (Dutch copyright) without training, but with a minimum of one and a maximum of three film scores to their name.
The broadcast of the four fiction films and the documentary series is scheduled for 2021. We aim for premieres during the Netherlands Film Festival and the IDFA.
Send us an e-mail with your biography (max 160 words), photo, motivation and latest works (in Dutch is fine) before January 24 to connects@buma-music-in-motion.nl. You’ll be invited to the presentation of the selected projects at IFFR on January 28 (5pm – 6pm). Good luck!
Read more about Videoland here: videoland.com/nl/nieuws/pitch-nu-jouw-idee-voor-de-videoland-academy